If you have been struggling to conceive, dealing with recurrent losses, or just planning for a future pregnancy, here are some things to consider that are commonly overlooked by the conventional approach:
Inflammation - Symptoms such as headaches, joint pain, rashes, and gut problems can indicate ongoing inflammation in the body, which may affect conception or pregnancy. To detect inflammation, it's important to consider metrics beyond standard lab tests, such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and homocysteine, along with metabolic markers and, in some cases, markers of toxic exposure based on individual history. For individuals with a family history of autoimmune conditions, autoantibody testing might be beneficial.
Metabolic dysfunction - difficulties with weight management, post-meal fatigue, and sugar cravings are a few indicators of potential metabolic problems and insulin resistance. Evaluating fasting glucose and insulin levels, hemoglobin A1c, along with lipids and other inflammatory markers, can assist in identifying if this is a barrier to fertility (for BOTH men and women).
Stress/HPA Axis Dysregulation - Experiencing fatigue, anxiety, depression, feelings of being overwhelmed, frequent illnesses, sleep disturbances, and similar issues may indicate that your body is having trouble regulating cortisol. High stress levels can lead to a state where survival is prioritized over reproduction, affecting the hormonal balance needed for conception and maintaining a healthy pregnancy. It's beneficial to examine this before pregnancy, especially if there have been fertility challenges.
Thyroid problems - fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, dry skin, constipation, and other symptoms are prevalent among women and may be present even when standard lab results appear normal. Inadequate thyroid function can impact fertility, making a comprehensive thyroid panel, INCLUDING antibody activity for Hashimoto's, essential.
Digestive problems - such as gas, bloating, nausea, food sensitivities, diarrhea, constipation, and similar issues can indicate a problem with the microbiome or food processing and inflammation, which may be underlying obstacles to conception. A thorough examination of gut health is usually necessary when these symptoms are present or when infertility is unexplained. Additionally, examining the vaginal microbiome is advisable if there are difficulties with conception or pregnancy losses.
Menstrual issues - if you've faced difficult, painful, heavy, or irregular periods, or have concerns about PMS, your hormones may require balancing support. Moreover, period problems can sometimes signal underlying conditions like endometriosis or PCOS, which are common women's health issues that may hinder pregnancy. Optimizing your menstrual cycle is an essential part of your preconception journey and can greatly influence conception and pregnancy outcomes.
I recently had a client who was told she had “unexplained infertility,” after a fertility specialist investigation into her health with lab work and imaging. Her husbands’ health was not assessed, barring a semen analysis which showed “adequate” sperm counts. Upon looking over the labs together, we saw some gaps in the investigation. When we ran some additional wellness testing, what did we find? High homocysteine and CRP showing inflammation, low vitamin D, thyroid antibodies for Hashimoto’s, and bacterial imbalances in her gut. For her husband, we found nutritional deficiencies, insulin resistance, cortisol issues and sleep apnea. Upon review of his fertility testing, we saw that "adequate" sperm count was actually very low normal and that there was poor morphology - both of which can be improved upon typically with some dietary, lifestyle and supplemental additions.
I can’t help but feel that modern medicine is letting down couples who wish to explore their health more deeply, instead steering them towards fertility treatments Fertility treatment is an absolute triumph of modern medicine and a blessing to those who need it. However, many couples may find that the reasons for their conception challenges exist, but haven't yet been thoroughly investigated. If you or someone you know has been struggling with losses, labeled “unexplained infertility,” or just generally wants to optimize their health prior to pregnancy, please share this <3