With the ever-changing, ever-conflicting, rabbit hole of nutritional information that exists in the world (especially on the internet), it's confusing out there for even the best to navigate. It’s difficult to know what to eat, what not to eat, and how to eat to optimize your health and wellness. You might be wondering: should I be avoiding gluten? Or dairy? Or sugar? Or all three? What about fats and carbs? Is animal protein good or bad? What is good vs. bad cholesterol? What about acidic foods or alcohol? Or EVEN, chocolate? What about the so-called “good” foods that actually hurt my stomach or make me feel tired or bloated? Making sense of it all feels almost impossible.
The truth is, there is no perfect diet. There is no such thing as the BEST diet, but there is the RIGHT diet for you.
The general principles of healthy eating are pretty consistent, but the diet that makes you feel best and best addresses your current health picture, may not be the one that is best for someone else.
IN GENERAL, problematic components of diet may include:
Refined sugar
White grains
Processed foods (with coloring, flavoring, preservatives)
Fried foods
Sweetened/artificially sweetened beverages
A lack of fruits and veggies
Conventionally farmed (agri-industry) meats
Low intake of essential fatty acids
A lack of variety
Over eating or under eating
Food allergies or intolerances
Conversely, the things that tend to be beneficial in the diet are:
Plenty of fruits and veggies
Good quality proteins (look for organic, free-range, grass-fed, etc.)
Whole grains
Sources of essential fatty acids
Portion control
Balanced macronutrients
Organic, non-GMO foods
One size does not fit all when it comes to diet. Preferences, genetics, body chemistry, cultural traditions, energy requirements, budget, food allergies or intolerances, health conditions, and personal history will direct the conversation of what YOUR diet looks like. At the end of the day, personalized diets are the BEST diets.
Sign up for a consultation and learn how to eat what is right for you!